Have you seen the many looks (via costuming and wigs) superstar pop singer Katy Perry sports in her latest “Dark Horse” video? Featuring some sort of Egyptian story-line theme (these days is best not to think too much of what or what not a video really might be about) we see Katy in long silver tresses pulled back in a pony, a short black Cleopatra-cut wig, another longer one, and a white straight bob with blue accents. As a diva known for her outrageous changes to her look (managing quite a few during her concerts in fact) it should be no surprise really how Ms. Perry deports herself in this new video.
Yet there is no denying the startling looks she manages in just hair styles alone.
That’s the thing with wigs, startling fast changes are possible…but are they practical? And in the end, is a wig the only solution a woman should avail herself of when she is facing female hair loss?
Guci Image offers SHE and GREAT LENGTHS extensions, European MICROFUSION, we even offer LACE WIGS of a high-grade 100% European Human Hair, plus so many more processes.
For women concerned about a hair loss, restoration and scalp health Guci Image can be contacted through this simple form, and that initial consultation is free.
See what options are available to you.