Are Itchy Scalp And Hair Loss Related? | Guci Image

Are Itchy Scalp and Hair Loss Related?

Hair loss afflicts millions of people globally. Some of them see their hair re-grow without doing anything much and others have to opt for treatment in order to re-grow their hair. There can be one or more reasons contributing to shedding. There are many scalp conditions which are hereditary and some may be caused by malnutrition and infection, resulting in itchy scalp and hair loss. Itchy scalp is one of the most common conditions that causes hair breakage and shedding.

The reasons for hair loss are many. When hair loss begins suddenly, the hair loss cause may be due to childbirth, diet or certain medicine. If hair loss is gradual and becomes noticeable with each passing year, then the person may have hereditary hair loss. However, itchy scalp is a condition that is mostly noticeable. This is never a good thing as it is accompanied with irritation and embarrassing flakes.

Conditions of Itchy Scalp and Hair loss

Dandruff is the most common culprit to blame for an itchy scalp. Also known as seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff cause hair loss by an overgrowth of yeast. The yeast normally live on your scalp and in other hairy areas, such as the eyebrows, the ears, and men’s beards. With changes in body chemistry, the yeast overgrow and feed on your dead skin cells and oils which causes the itching and flaking.

An itchy scalp might simply be the result of having a sensitive scalp. However, it can also be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Examples include diabetes mellitus and herpes zoster.

Additional causes include:

  • anxiety disorder 

  • contact dermatitis or irritation due to something your scalp came in contact with, such as a new shampoo

  • allergic reaction to a medication

  • head lice

  • hot comb alopecia, due to frequent heat styling

  • discoid lupus

  • migraine headache

  • obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • scarring alopecia

  • scalp psoriasis

  • ringworm (tinea capitis)

Common signs of Itchy scalp

An itchy scalp can feel painful or tingly. Scratching or itching your scalp may give you a temporary relief or it could cause pain. Symptoms that can accompany scalp itching include:

  • dry skin

  • irritated skin

  • bald patches

  • low-grade fever

  • pus-filled sores

  • scales or patches on the scalp

  • redness

  • scalp swelling

  • sores on the scalp

Itchy Scalp Remedies

The treatment for itchy scalp depends upon its causes. For example, dandruff is treated through frequent hair washing with special topical agents. Each scalp medication works in a unique way, such as reducing oil on the scalp or killing off fungus. If the itchy scalp is due to an allergic reaction, you should refrain from using the product that caused the reaction.  

Avoid risk of Scalp Conditions

In order to reduce your risk of itchy scalp wash your hair regularly to remove built-up oils. Wash your hair with warm, but not excessively hot water to avoid irritating and drying out the scalp. To reduce allergic reactions, try to avoid using products that contain fragrances, dyes and chemicals.

Avoid physical contact with people with head lice or fungal infections to prevent spreading the conditions. This includes refraining from sharing brushes, hats, combs, towels, helmets, or pillowcases.