Great Lengths & SHE

Great Lengths & SHE

Rockin’ as much a shorter ‘pixie’ cut in some cases (as she appeared just recently in No Tofu magazine, see here: ) and seemingly more conservative clothing choices (at least in some cases), Pamela Anderson has been making quite a lot of news with her look lately. But the ex-Baywatch ‘bouncer’ just stepped-out during New York’s Fashion week post revelry sporting new extensions. 

As any Bravo Housewives fans will attest, good (and bad) extensions are de rigueur for many a modern lady’s look. When you’re a nearing-50’s sex symbol looking to change things up on a month- to-month basis a good extension (or two or three) can go a long way. At Guci Image we have invested time, skill and a fair amount of scientific study to providing our female clients with extensions that cover thinning, add great volume and length and certainly ‘change things up’ permanently for a woman who comes to wear hair.

Our Great Lengths and SHE Extensions are use the very best application of any other hair extension on the market today. The cold fusion application alone these Guci extensions the only ones that deliver seamless additions and secure confidence (see what the Great Length site says about Cold Fusion here:

Guci takes pride and confidence of the hair we have our clients wear whether a male CTR unit or a hair extension. Under less scrutiny as Pam A. and certainly not looking to change-up your look on a whim, you come to us for the hair you do to ‘rock’ a look you know you can step out with on a moment’s notice and never worry about.

Call Guci Image now about our Great Lengths and SHE Extensions.