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Iron Deficiency Hair Loss

Iron Deficiency Hair Loss is quite common especially in women and in people who have a diet that is low in iron. The problem with low iron levels is that they can be hard to diagnose. Your iron levels can fall to very low levels before you are even aware you have a problem. Undeniably, iron is important to maintain many body functions, including the production of hemoglobin, the molecule in your blood that carries oxygen. This is the reason, iron is also necessary to maintain healthy skin, hair, cells and nails. Iron deficiency hair loss a major concern for many people globally.

Iron Deficiency Hair Loss

Iron Deficiency Hair Loss

Iron deficiency or anemia is a common problem among women, and the population in general. Up to 80% of the world’s population is estimated to be iron deficient. Iron deficiency can lead to a wide range of medical problems and symptoms.

Listed below are some of the common symptoms that can be visible in the iron deficient person. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, it is better to seek medical help and have your iron levels checked. A simple blood test can help you determine if you are iron deficient.

Most common Iron Deficiency Symptoms include

  • Fatigue

  • Hair loss

  • Reduced cognitive skills

  • Feeling cold all the time

  • Pale skin

  • Increased risk of infections

  • Brittle nails

  • Irritability

Causes of Iron Deficiency Hair Loss

Low iron levels or anemia can be caused due to a number of factors, including a variety of medical conditions, diseases and, ultimately, a poor diet. The main contributing factors include:

  • Medical conditions to slow your ability to absorb iron from your diet

  • A poor quality diet

  • Excessive bleeding

  • Blood donation

  • Medications or food choices that hinder the absorption of iron in your diet

Adding Iron In Your Diet

In order to increase the iron levels in your body and stop hair loss sounds easy enough, but for many it can be a frustrating, time-consuming and uncomfortable process. The World Health Organization calls iron deficiency the biggest nutritional deficiency in the world.

So, it is essential that you maintain the iron levels in your body as iron deficiency hair loss are likely to happen at any point of time in life. There are two main types of iron in your food choices — heme (from animal sources) and non-heme (everything else). Typically, heme iron is absorbed more effectively.

Some of the good sources of iron include:

  • Leafy vegetables

  • Beans and lentils

  • Red meat

  • Pistachios

  • Cereals and breads that are fortified with iron

  • Tofu

  • Black-eyed peas and chickpeas

  • Clams and oysters

  • Molasses

  • Liver