HairCheck Men And Women


Sometimes battling hair loss simply comes down to preventative measures….or at the very least being altered to the fact that we are indeed loosing our hair. What so many of us, men and women both, do not want to face-hair loss and thinning-can be combated though.  Guci Image is trained to find the solution to hair loss, Guci Image’s patented Haircheck technology helps to determine exactly what is happening ‘up top’ to plot that solution.

Before Haircheck there was no practical way to measure hair loss, hair breakage, and the response to treatments for those problems. One could step into a laboratory for a complete break-down of what was happening, but those tests are expensive and not readily available to the common man. The simple questions: Do I have hair loss? Is it getting worse? How quickly? Is my hair loss/breakage treatment working? could not be answered in any clear concise practical way…until now.

With HairCheck men and women can get real answers.

Guci Image employs a scientific Trichometer instrument to detect the early stages of thinning and breakage to suggest treatments to reverse breakage and help stop or slow down the progression of hair loss and possibly even promote regrowth. White Diamond treatments, mico-grafting, extensions and units (plus many more possibilities) are available from Guci Image once a client can determine what exactly is going on.

That consistent checking in the mirror, asking friends, combing this way and that, checking the shower drain are certainly not scientific methods, but we’ve all indulged when worrying about hair loss. Now we can use HairCheck and within 5 minutes and not a single hair cut, get a clear picture of what is happening. And with the many services and techniques Guci Image has perfected over the years, a HairCheck confirmation can quickly lead to a Guci Image solution.

Call us today to find out about HairCheck and those Guci Image solutions.