Wearing Hair

The 3 Big Revelations When Wearing Hair For The First Time

Once we make the decision to wear hair (albeit not always an easy decision to make) we’re well on the way to a new life. Where worrying over thinning hair, deciding over what hat or scarf to wear for the day, avoiding social outings more and more consume one’s considerations, fitted with the right CTR unit or extension, one’s life suddenly buds open with possibilities. At Guci Image our reward is witnessing the transformation of our clients’ confidences, as we see lives turned round through the services we perform.

But those first few times out and about wearing hair the Guci Image client often finds themselves taking baby steps. Surely, one wants to interject themselves into pictures, parties and just about any other place or occasion where they can show off, but the new hair wearer usually ventures forth with cautious optimism. More often than not we’ve seen our clients experience 3 big revelations when wearing hair for the first time.

The Younger Me Is Back

For too long our clients have stared in their mirror at someone who looks like an older version of themselves. Partnering with Guci Image we have seen so many men and women smile wide as they stare into the mirror at hair they haven’t seen in decades. Yes, it can take some getting used to, but it is a welcome adjustment to be sure as our clients say time and again to us, the younger me is back.

Social Calendar Explosion

Thinning hair can have an insidious effect on one’s social life, even when one is unaware of it. Time and again our clients reveal to us how suddenly they are getting out so much more now that they are sporting SHE/Great Length Extentions. Men and women marvel over their full their social calendar when suddenly wearing a CTR unit or a Lace Wig. 

The Good Times Keep A’Rollin’

Doors are flung wide, shades pulled up; ones entire outlook on life just gets rosier when one feels good about one’s appearance. We often find our Guci Image clients starting new leases on their lives, or attempting heretofore goals for themselves simply because they feel more confident in their appearance. Becoming a Guci Image client simply begins a fruitful period for the many men and women who begin to venture into our Paramus, New Jersey offices on a regular basis.

Things change when you come to wear hair…change all for the better.