Do Celebrity Hair Extension Beat Guci’s SHE & GREAT LENGTHS lines?

It’s one of those questions Guci Image customers probably ask more than anyone else…is that celebrity wearing hair? Hair restoration, replacement, wigs and extensions are certainly de rigueur in Hollywood as our brightest and best attempt to look as bright and best as they can at all times (or try and maintain a youthful appearance). Guci Image technicians work on some very well known actors and actresses (shh, were not naming names) so we know all manner of services are employed for celebrity hair styling. And quite often celebrities even endorse or actually own the hair product lines they use. Such is the case with the cornucopia of female celebrity hair extension lines especially.

Notables like Kylie Jenner, Demi Lovato and Sheri Shepard are not only well known hair extension/wig wearers they also endorse their own lines of hair fake hair products. But almost to a lady all the extensions worn hby these very popular ladies are synthetic. Guci Image SHE & GREAT LENGTHS hair extensions are all natural and applied by a patented method unlike any other.

While certainly casting no aspersions on any one’s extensions, we can brag that our SHE and GREAT LENGTHS extensions represent the high-end of painstaking research in hair technology and application (for what is an extension without top-notch application?) The “Cold Fusion” method we use employs no glue, bond, braiding, sewing or Polymers and is world leading method in hair extension technology. As with every other product and service we represent Guci Image proudly stands behind our luscious SHE and GREAT LENGTH lines, knowing the hair and application of it is the very best.

Research and envy your favorite stars’ look, but know clearly that you won’t find better hair extension services then you do at Guci Images’ Paramus N.J. offices with our SHE and GREAT LENGTH hair extension lines.