Wear Hair

Time Is Your Friend When You Wear Hair

This week saw a new, darker hair color on Cameron Diaz and Kim Kardashian going platinum blonde (as well as revealing lots of herself in her wardrobe choices) at Paris Fashion Week.

Really, where have you been…so much has been happening!? Time is simply running, running, running…

You might want not take the big jumps that a Miss Kayne West tries on a daily basis, and certainly you won’t make the news like Cameron Diaz, but in your own little world if you want a shake-up of your SHE Extensions or a big change to your next CTR, ‘go for it’ we say.

Though there are cautions to consider.

The biggest of which is time.

In fact, time will forever be one of your biggest considerations when wearing hair.

At the Paramus, New Jersey Guci Image salon we constantly impress upon potential new customers how they need to get to us sooner more then later to affect an undetectable change to their hair. We preach regularly scheduled appointments to be consistently met. And when it comes to any changes our clients want to make, big or small changes both, be conscious of the time you need to change the hair you wear; time to seamlessly integrate your hair changes in the most natural way possible so your CTR unit or Lace Wig stays undetectable, and time to live with those changes until you might want to change away from them….as well as time to change back if you want to.

And of course you need time to bring Guci Image up-to-speed to what envision for your hair wearing future, as well as some good quality time talking this all over with your trusted technician.

Time is your friend when it comes to wearing hair…treat that friend well.