Cutting Hair

It Looks Like Everybody Is Cutting Their Hair?

If you were to take the ‘temperature’ of current hair style couture from celebrities like Jared Leto, Jessica Alba, Tyra Banks and Lena Dunham you’d come to the conclusion that short hair is presently ‘in.’ Granted Leto just shorn his signature locks (and went blonde) for a part he’s playing, but Tyra revealed a drastic cut that is garnering lots of attention, Alba is getting out in front for her The Honest & Co with a very bouncy bob and “Girls” star/creator Dunham has not been seen recently this short.

The reasons for cutting your hair can come from a wide variety of influences and considerations. Sometimes we are looking for a whole new style. Maybe we’re after something to go with an update to a wardrobe; wanting to press on in a professional field where we know a certain look is required; maybe we want a change after losing (or gaining weight.) There are even those men and women who prefer a cut every summer, and let their locks grow out in the colder months.

And to be sure some of folks who don’t give a cut more than passing thought, preferring to walk through life on a whim with what they sport on the top of their heads!
Cuts can be cool, severe, and subtle and they can make your look, as just as easily just slightly add to it. But for those of us wearing hair, cuts need be more than a simple haphazard on-a-whim consideration. This is true of course for all your planned changes to your CTR unit, extensions or whatever else you come to Guci Image for. A cut should be well integrated in your future service…by letting your technician know of your plans and having that technician do it! (No offense meant to the many wonderful hair cutters working in the northern New Jersey area but we certainly do not recommend having your unit, extensions, etc. cut by anybody else but us.)

Cutting hair and cutting it short might be all the rage but don’t just go a’raging.