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Hair Healthy Hair Healthy

Tips For Beating The Heat And Keeping Your Hair Healthy

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Pretty much across the USA this summer, cities are reporting unprecedented high temperatures, and around the Guci Image offices in northern New Jersey, we are certainly feeling that heat. And so are our hair care customers. Whether wearing a Guci Image unit, extensions or undergoing other kinds of treatment for hair loss, we should all be aware of the sun’s ravages when it comes to having our hair look the best it can and staying healthy in the heat.
Under the glaring sun or in and out of a pool, our hair and skin can undergo lots of rough treatment in the summer. Sure, getting out and about is what it is all about these warmer months, but be aware of the lotions, the chlorine, the salt water, the sweat even, that you are exposed. Don’t overdo it.

Indeed when ‘wearing hair,’ you need to be extra mindful of what product you might put in it, especially in the summer. Some extra conditioning might just be worth your while, but again, don’t overdo the washing. Depending on where you were (and for how long) sometimes just a nice long rinse with cold water might be enough to rejuvenate those locks after a day out. It also might be a good idea to give your hair dryer a rest, best you can.

And speaking of water…for us all, staying hydrated in the dog days of summer is essential. So make sure to drink those 8-10 glasses per day. Your skin, heart, hair, even your head (brain), all of ‘you’ will feel the benefits.

A Guci Image customer need be a little more aware than most about what could come to put stress on their hair, especially in the summer months. But one need know, there are simple and practical steps to take to keep all you got looking fabulous.