The Confidence Of Wearing Hair |

The Confidence Of Wearing Hair

Last week Modern Family star Ariel Winter Instagram-ed what was her usual dark long locks sporting a new fiery red color. Decidedly, this young woman has undergone lots of physical changes in her public maturing, but her latest hair color change supposedly marks the actress’s wish for more adult roles in her future with her popular sitcom show ending its run. Ariel’s pictures also promoted an in-salon blow- out technique (T.V. star endorsements are big money of course), so there is more than just a personal reason behind the posting. For a Guci Image customer, the question of whether a new cut or color is something they should try is as much a factor of desire or whim as much speaks to the confidence behind the decision.
Color and cut are not the main factors to mark a difference; when you became a Guci Image customer, you made the most significant change of all…getting hair. Adding some grey to your CTR unit, cutting your “ALLURE” HAIR EXTENSIONS to different lengths, these changes will mark a difference, surely. But nothing so drastic (and confidence-building) as covering your balding or adding to your thinning scalp.
As with most of what we do in altering our appearance, in augmenting what we already have, no matter how obvious the changes, the most positive change is bred from our confidence. It’s in this aspect of the Guci Image commercial cosmetic ethos that we take most pride; giving men and women back their hair what we really give back is their confidence. From here, cut, color, adding some grey, even decreasing the amount of hair a CTR unit has to stimulate natural aging, everything can be possible and pursued…because our clients have had their confidence restored. And a Guci Image customer continues to grow their confidence every step of the way.