Celine Dion, Wig Or Not? |

Celine Dion, Wig Or Not?

The net was as much taken with Celine Dion’s new hairstyle as were a few blog posts and remarks incorrectly reporting that she had actually cut her hair. Last week the 51-year-old Canadian singer posed for a Mario Sorrenti Harper’s Bazaar “2019 Icon Issue” shoot in a black ‘pixie’ wig. Celine, Harpers, and Sorrenti released some of the pictures on Instagram, and the new look of Celine seemed to divide her fans evenly, pro and con. It all goes to prove what some well-placed and nicely cut fake hair can do.

Guci Image customers are well aware of the effect a good wig, extension, or hairpiece can have on those who see them. And while most people who do not need to wear hair could never consider doing so, while plenty of others don wigs for special occasions or just to make their getting ready easier, a significant portion of the population wears hair as a permanent solution to their balding and thinning. In fact, it’s such a significant portion that all of us here at our north New Jersey hair replacement salon are consistently thrilled by those people who come through our doors for the first time realizing how many clients we actually have!

With this latest Celine Dion wig reveal, the general populace once again becomes ever more aware of what amazing styling is possible with hair we wear. But Guci Image has been aware of what is possible for a very long while; it is our business in fact to be and keep aware of it. And to know that there were quite a few blogs declaring that Celine’s hair was a new cut and color to her usual locks heartens us even more.

The possibilities are seemingly limitless for what Guci Image can provide our customers.