Is Tom Brady Hiding Just Like You? |

Is Tom Brady Hiding Just Like You?

This week sport superstar Tom Brady received a bunch of teasing twitter tweaking over his wearing of a big hat to his team’s preseason game against the Carolina Panthers. Arguably the wide-brim hat might not have been the very best fashion statement, but it garnered lots of attention for the six-time Super Bowl Q.B. Not that Tom Brady is worrying over balding, but for men (and even women) with thinning hair a hat can become a very big part of life’s equation.

There is no evidence to prove the old wives’ tale that wearing a hat too much will lead to baldness. But what has been proved is that many a Guci Image client, prior to becoming a Guci Image client, has sported a baseball cap or some other head covering as a regular fashion accessory. In fact, the hat conundrum can even deepen after a client starts to come to us for regular service.

It’s really a question of what one knows before wearing hair and the slow building of confidence that occurs after a man or woman becomes a regular visitor to our northern N.J. hair replacement salon. For balding men and woman, it’s not so easy to forgo their ultimate security totem…even after they are outfitted with state-of-the-art hair replacements. And while it is true that no amount of hat-wearing will lead to balding too much hat-wearing with CTR units or extensions, could see undue wear (mostly entanglement) to lots of the hard work we do for you here at Guci Image.

As a Guci Image hair replacment client, you begin your way back to a life free of your hats and scarfs…but only you can make the break from what you knew before to a full life with a full head of hair you have before you.

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Take A 30-Second Hair Loss Assessment

Answer 10 Simple Questions And Find The Causes Of Your Hair Loss!

These questions are designed to help identify some of the more common triggers associated with hair loss. Providing us with this information is an important step in finding the right hair loss solution for you.