Our Unusual New Jersey Weather And The Hair That You Wear |

Our Unusual New Jersey Weather And The Hair That You Wear

Certainly, none of us living in the northern New Jersey area was expecting our January to roll into this early February while presenting such mild temperatures. As is usually the case this time of year at our Guci Image offices, we are as much scheduling clients post the holiday madness as we are keeping them aware of how drying the winter months can be for the extensions and CTR units they are wearing. Regular appoints, and overall good hair care is something we indeed preach all through the year, but with the extremes of our winters and summers, see us making a case for hair care for the hair that you wear.

But nobody counted on things to be this warm!

As anyone associated with our NJ salon knows, a person wearing a hair replacement system or sporting extensions to cover thinning needs to be more vigilant than most when it comes to their hair health. Frankly, the time and care an individual needs in considering wearing hair—keeping to those regular appointments, determining which system price point works best, working with Guci Image to factor in the vagaries of weather, lifestyle, and aging for a seamless hair solution—is daunting. Many a Guci Image client reports that their initial considerations in coming to us, are as much centered around what hair replacement option they want as to how wearing hair will fit into their lives.

We appease and assure each of New Jersey hair replacement clients that their lives will change so much for the better being a Guci Image client. What we can’t predict though is wacky weather changes (even the National Weather Service can’t do that!) A good rule of thumb, no matter any weather, typical or unusual thought it might be, is to make sure to always [pay attention to the health and consistent maintenance of caring for Guci Image hair you wear.