Black Widow Hair? |

Black Widow Hair?

As brought into clear evidence with the final trailer for Black Widow ‘dropping’ this week, there is no denying the power of a simple haircut. In the clip of Scarlett Johansson’s bad-ass Avenger and her like-minded female company, one can see quite clearly how short cuts, ponytails, and the like work for MCU (The Marvel Cinematic Universe) superheroes (as does stylish skintight couture). One has got to ask then: wouldn’t simple haircuts and styles work just as well for Guci Image clients?

Surely with the warmer weather coming, people who wear hair want to make the right choices for how they come to style, cut, even color their Guci Image product. As we have mentioned more than once here (and pretty much as most of our N.J. hair replacement technicians will tell you), easier hair care choices make for better results. Adding special color washes and dyes, wanting to sport severe cuts, trying to chase after celebrity styles (which change as quickly as an Ariel Winter or Kim Kardashian post a new picture on Instagram) will run you ragged.

And you’ll never be completely pleased running that race.

In her new film, which opens May 1st, Black Widow battles the ultra-nasty “Taskmaster.” Luckily, she has her family, her usual supremely cool acrobatic powers, cool tight outfits, and yes, her fly and free hairstyles to win the day. We want you walking out of our N.J. hair replacement salon feeling just as powerful and confident as Natasha Romanova (that’s the Black Widow’s real name).

So, we say: stay simple, stay consistent, and resist the urge to fly off into uncharted territory with your extensions or CTR hair unit. Share your hair wear vision with us, but listen well to what is possible and prudent…we really have seen it all before. And keep things simple…like any superhero would.