Maintaining The Guci Image Hair That You Wear

Maintaining The Guci Image Hair That You Wear During Quarantine

Everyone, from the folks in our immediate Paramus, N.J. area to clear across the world, to every place in between, is pretty much quarantined. These are scary times indeed, and as much as our Guci Image family wishes you and your family safe, good health, we also know we can’t presently provide the services we usually do.

Our CEO/President, Joe Lorie, is communicating daily with our factories, receiving updates on the production of your hairpieces and extensions. As a 30-year hair wearer himself, Joe is fully vested in customer concerns (as he always has been), but in these unusual times, he is truly staying proactive.

Tack downs, hair care, attending to your CTR units, and extensions might have to fall into your hands for a little bit more. But that’s ok, Guci is here to help in any way we can. Just call into our offices—our # is 201-734 –0051 and leave a voice mail. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

By the time the Guci Image offices reopen, all of us will be working hard to put what we are going through now in our rearview. Maybe, we will have learned a thing or two about our world, and as being reminded how important we are to one another. This is the least we can hope for. But our usual exemplary and very personal Guci hair care service will not skip a beat and resume even better than before.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay smart. What is happening with the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented in human history. But together, we will all come through the quarantine, the worry, and the virus’ ravages better than we were before.

And Guci Image will be here to attend to your hair as we always have.