Lea Michele’s Postpartum Hair Loss...Once Again |

Lea Michele’s Postpartum Hair Loss…Once Again

In an article just posted on the Popculture website, the story of Lea Michele’s postpartum hair loss is explored once again. In a social media post accompanying a thinning-hair post-birth selfie the ex-Glee star posted, she had infamously written, “The postpartum hair loss is REAL.” Michele’s fans across the blog o’ sphere weighed in with their sympathy, and the subject of female hair thinning due to childbirth once again garnered attention.

Lea Michele is not alone; postpartum, even pregnancy hair concerns plaque plenty of mothers. Many women can and do experience thinning or even actual balding after childbirth. Usually, the estrogen changes that occur during pregnancy don’t last too long after the new mother has her baby. Still, they have been known to cause changes in a new mother’s hair and skin (although just as often women report unusually lustrous or thick hair when pregnant). At Gucci Image, we recommend seeing one’s doctor if, by the time one’s baby is a year old, the mother hasn’t seen her hair return to normal. Also, if women stay away from over-styling their hair during pregnancy, make sure to shore up their nutrition and vitamins (which potential mommies should be doing anyway), and use certain conditioners and what are called “volumizing” shampoos ever so judiciously, they might also see some thicker hair results.

We explore the subject of female hair loss during and after pregnancy here, as well as many other reasons for hair loss on other pages of our site. But for as many reasons, a woman or man can lose their hair (none that we take lightly), what an N.J. hair replacement salon like ours is most interested in is how to get that hair back! Luckily these days, there are as many reasons one may experience thinning or balding as there are ways to get one’s hair back to its fill shine and thickness.