How Hair Wearers Will Save The World |

How Hair Wearers Will Save The World

Coming 9/22-9/23 FOX will premier a show called “Alter Ego.” This prime-time singing competition features contestants hiding their real selves behind computer-generated “dream avatars.” Appearing before a judging panel of famous stars, Alanis Morrissette, Grimes, Nick Lachey, what will appear live on stage before the world will be each contestant’s computer-generated animated covering; the contestants stand backstage singing and manipulating their cartoon selves.

When one considers this show and how much contestants already cover up on “The Masked Singer,” we again prove how we all seemingly want to keep away from ever coming in contact with one another.

The Guci Image customer is looking to do the opposite. Stepping from our Paramus NJ hair salon, our clients proudly face the day and other people. This is what happens when your confidence is restored; your youthful vigor is once again switched into high gear when you feel you look your best because of the hair you wear.

Are we trending completely opposite from the way the culture seems to be moving? Might we single-handily be saving the world?

There are distinct stages we progress through when our hair first starts thinning. Bit by bit, confidence trickles from your day-to-day dealings as you try to cover up; ask your hairstylist to try ever new cuts; avoid mirrors. Anger, envy, defeat; all these feelings and more visit you during the stages of balding, the inevitable always looming. But if you find and take to a hair restoration solution and begin to live it, be it, return to some of yourself through it, your entire perspective on life changes. You suddenly want to be out and about; you want to enter back into a social life you had been so recently avoiding. You don’t mind coming out from under your hat!

Indeed, what we are all presently going through, makes it hard to step out into the world; we all hold a genuine fear of coming close to other people right now.

The Guci Image customer will save us all.