Getting Your Guci Hair Cleaner? |

Getting Your Guci Hair Cleaner?

We know our clients know how important regular shampooing and conditioning is. There is no doubt that, especially this time of year, one needs to keep lace wigs, extensions, and male hair replacement units well cared for and clean. But there is a trend that might just be the little extra attention we all need when it comes to hair washing.

Just this week, the Well & Good website published this article (Upside-Down Hair Washing), about a trending ‘viral net hack’ that reportedly makes one’s “hair shorter/shinier/heathier.” As these things tend to happen these days, semi-celebrity Ashley Spivey, who appeared on the 2011 season of ABC’s “The Bachelor” let the web know how often she takes to washing the upper and lower halves of her hair, then flipping her head over to get underneath her locks and even massaging shampoo into her scalp.

Yes, Ashley made a splash about how he splashes her shampoo.

Surely getting at your scalp, hair, and neck, even flipping your head over, will ensure full coverage of shampoo and conditioner. It also feels good from time to time just to ‘lower the boom,’ bend over enough, and let your head hang (not too long, though, as you’ll indeed become lightheaded). Tilting one’s head back in the usual way to shampoo, condition and receive your shower’s full face-on spray, the hair that lays on your neck and certainly under, doesn’t get the most attention. 

Some people also swear on drying their hair as much by standing up and running a towel across their head as flipping down and giving it a good towel pat and rub from underneath.

Yes, it does seem there are many methods for caring for your hair…whether it is hair you bought and paid for at Guci Image or not. The main thing for those guys and gals we regularly see at our Paramus hair replacement salon is that our customers treat their hair well, are vigilant in washing and conditioning, stay away from the overuse of product and hair drying, and keep to their scheduled appoints.

The rest of the time, see the world from any angle you like.