Truly "Wearing" The Hair You Wear |

Truly “Wearing” The Hair You Wear

As a new viral video declared this week, a woman in Ukraine used her long hair as a Christmas dress. The lady’s long honey locks seem to cover her body completely (thick and long as you see above), and out she stepped in her hirsute sartorial way. Far and away, not like trending holiday hair (see here) or even the ubiquitous “ugly” yuletide sweater, this lady took her locks to fashion extremes and damned Lady Godiva in the process. 

With all we blog about—trending hairs news, Kardashian style transformations, new breakthroughs in hair loss serums, and the specifics of what Guci Image can offer men and women whose hair is thinning—a light and silly hair story seems perfect for the last blog of the year. We all know that in 2021, lots of what we reported was either directly influenced by or at least hinted at some effect of COVID on the culture and business of hair restoration. This year, even as we still surely dealt with the pandemic on some level, it seems many more hair stories slipped through. And quite a few, like this one, were fun, flirty, or just downright silly.

And we were all the better for it.

We dare say hair wearers don’t actually ‘use’ the hair they wear. They wear it. They grow their confidence, sense of style, and renewed youthful resolve from the lace wigs, extensions, and male CTR units, all of which Guci Image provides. 

Who can say what 2023 will bring (although we wish for good fortune and great health for everyone). What is assured is that old clients or new, anyone who steps into our Paramus N.J. salon will find that using our services, they will indeed feel stylish, confident, and alive with hair possibility. 

Although we don’t recommend that one of those possibilities should be wearing one’s hair as one’s wardrobe.