The Hair-Raising Truth Of Harry Styles? |

The Hair-Raising Truth Of Harry Styles?

This week, international music sensation Harry Styles made even more of a sensation when a picture was posted on social media’s X, showing what might indeed be the ex-One Direction member with a buzzed-cut head. Supposedly, Styles had been spotted sporting this new look while attending one of U2’s most recent (and their own sensational) Sphere concerts in Las Vegas.
Known as much for his wardrobe choices, haircut, and looks, and his music, Harry Styles’ hairstyle is big news in the pop world.
His always wonderfully coiffed locks have also brought to the surface rumors that the singer is bald and has been sporting a fantastically fashioned male hairpiece for many years. This rumor has been as rampant for Styles as if he ever had a relationship with Taylor Swift. But as with many a male heartthrob sporting luscious locks, the question of whether the man in question is or is not wearing hair, as we have written about here before and have all seen plastered across many a site, is one often aired.
Nobody knows if Styles is “soft-launching” his male-pattern baldness with a buzz cut he seemed to be sporting in a blurry social media pic. What is known is how vital thick hair is to many male stars.
Undoubtedly, some male celebrities sport bald heads with aplomb, many making a career of this look as much as those sporting long, thick locks. Although Guci Image exists to address men—and women—with thinning hair and balding heads, we do not judge anyone wanting instead to ‘go bald.’ But we also know what it is like to wear hair and want to do so undetected.

The men and women who come to our Paramus salon, are fitted with the very best hair replacement available today. It’s not just a well-known pop star who gets to wear the very best.