Dreaming Big With Miley Cyrus |

Dreaming Big With Miley Cyrus

It’s pretty much a celebrity’s job to dress up, make a statement with their makeup and couture, and even shock us when they attend award shows. We’d be disappointed if a Lady Gaga didn’t wear a meat dress. If Lenny Kravitz didn’t strut in his usually sexy Lenny way in leather pants. If Kim Kardashian didn’t wear a requisite amount of latex over her Skims.

Or, in the case of Miley Cyrus’ Grammy performance Sunday, if the “Flowers” singer didn’t shimmy in a barely-there dress or scare her hair sky high. It just wouldn’t have been the Miley we so know and love or the Grammys we so love to tap our feet to.

In the case of Cyrus, the attention she garnered for her hair has not been precisely positive. Put it down to current culture tastes, but people have been weighing in, pro and con, for the dyed bouffant (see here), she walked into L.A.’s Crypto.com Arena sporting. But seeing as Miley’s godmother is Dolly Parton, who famously said, “The bigger the hair, the closer to God,” sometimes the only place a celebrity can go is ‘up,’ and this was the Grammy’s after all, can anybody blame Cyrus on her display?

Surely, it is the variety we yearn to see and that we come to dream about… even a Guci Image hair wearer. And while we know so many looks are impossible to recreate unless we have a team of stylists attending us 24/7 or are just not practical with a wig or CTR male unit, we still dream, don’t we?

We encourage variety in whatever you come to our Paramus, NJ, salon for. In color, cut, and style, our technicians will always entertain the changes you might want to make to the hair you wear.

Yes, dream big (and we mean very big), just like Miley.

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