Alopecia Areata Treatment

Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss that occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, which is where hair growth begins. The damage to the follicle is usually not permanent. Experts do not know why the immune system attacks the follicles. Alopecia areata is most common in people younger than 20, but children and adults of any age may be affected. Women and men are affected equally.

What happens in Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata usually begins when clumps of hair fall out, resulting in totally smooth, round hairless patches on the scalp. In some cases, the hair may become thinner without noticeable patches of baldness, or it may grow and break off, leaving short stubs (called “exclamation point” hair). In rare cases, complete loss of scalp hair and body hair occurs. The hair loss often comes and goes-hair will grow back over several months in one area but will fall out in another area.eo.

When alopecia areata results in patches of hair loss, the hair usually grows back in 6 months to 1 year. Although the new hair is usually the same color and texture as the rest of the hair, it sometimes is fine and white.

About 10% of people with this condition may never regrow hair. You are more likely to have permanent hair loss if you:

Because hair is an important part of appearance, hair loss can result in feeling unattractive. Guci Image a leader and expert in the field of hair loss solutions has been helping clients deal with the emotional effects of Alopecia Areata for over two decades. Innovative technologies combined with our extensive knowledge in treating all types of hair loss can help relieve stress and regain your confidence and beauty.

In some people with alopecia areata, the fingernails and toenails become pitted-they look as if a pin had made many tiny dents in them. They may also look like sandpaper.

Alopecia areata cannot be “cured” but it can be treated. Most people who have one episode will have more episodes of hair loss.

Causes of Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder wherein the body’s immune system inadvertently targets hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

The exact cause remains unknown, yet potential risk factors include genetic predisposition based on a close relative having it, certain medical conditions like Down’s Syndrome, thyroid disease, or vitiligo, and reduced vitamin D levels.

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Symptoms of Alopecia Areata Treatment

Individuals with alopecia areata may experience only a few circular patches of hair loss or even total baldness in some cases. The first hint of this condition is a bald spot on the head, typically in the shape of a circle or oval. This generally is the first sign of the condition.

Additionally, you may recognize these signs: spots with white and gray hairs, returning hair growth in a bald spot, and hair loss during the colder months.

Effects of Alopecia Areata on the Body

Look at the images below that illustrate the various effects of this illness on your hair and nails.

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No one needs to deal with thinning hair any longer.
These questions are designed to help identify some of the more common triggers associated with Hair Loss. Providing us with this information is an important first-step in finding the right Hair Loss solution for you.
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No one needs to deal with thinning hair any longer.
These questions are designed to help identify some of the more common triggers associated with Hair Loss. Providing us with this information is an important first-step in finding the right Hair Loss solution for you.
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How is Alopecia Areata diagnosed?

Alopecia areata is diagnosed through a medical history and physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your hair loss, look at the pattern of your hair loss, and examine your scalp. And he or she may tug gently on a few hairs or pull some out.

If the reason for your hair loss is not clear, your doctor may do tests to check for a disease that could be causing your hair loss. Tests include:

How Will Alopecia Areata affect my life?

Alopecia areata does not affect you as another condition might: it is not painful, it does not make you feel sick, and it does not result in serious health problems. You cannot spread it to other people, and it should not interfere with school, work, or recreation.

Guci Image specializes in treatments for Alopecia Areata related hair loss.

The Right Treatment For You

Whether you are you are looking for something Non-surgical or Surgical, we offer a hair restoration solution that fits you.

In relatively mild alopecia areata, characterized by limited hair shedding, hair may spontaneously regrow without therapeutic intervention, though recurrence is typical over the patient’s lifetime.

Corticosteroid injections specifically to the affected scalp regions can suppress the immune cells damaging the hair follicles, thereby allowing for hair regrowth.

Alternatively, the topical application of a skin irritant such as squaric acid can evoke a rash analogous to poison ivy. The resultant inflammatory response disrupts the immune system’s assault on the hair follicles, although this treatment can be uncomfortable for the patient.

Hair Regrowth

Hair Regrowth

Our regrowth solutions are non-surgical options that have shown to regrow hair when used as directed.

Hair Replacement

Hair Replacement

Virtual Skin is the world's most advanced non-growing life-like hair replacement system available today.

Hair Extensions

Hair Extensions

We offer "Cold-Fusion" Extensions & have relied upon "Great lengths" and our own brand of Remy Hair "Allure"

Laser Light Technology

Laser Light Technology

Laser Light Therapy is an FDA cleared Non-Surgical treatment that sparks the hair back into the regrowth phase.

Hair Regrowth

Hair Regrowth

Our regrowth solutions are non-surgical options that have shown to regrow hair when used as directed.

Hair Replacement

Hair Replacement

Virtual Skin is the world's most advanced non-growing life-like hair replacement system available today.

Hair Extensions

Hair Extensions

We offer "Cold-Fusion" Extensions & have relied upon "Great lengths" and our own brand of Remy Hair "Allure"

Laser Light Technology

Laser Light Technology

Laser Light Therapy is an FDA cleared Non-Surgical treatment that sparks the hair back into the regrowth phase.

What Our Customers Says

Are you Looking for a Professional Treatment of Alopecia Areata?

If alopecia areata is the cause of your baldness, then our team of professionals can provide you with the most effective treatment options to help you regrow your hair.

Our experienced hair specialists understand that alopecia is a complex condition, and they help you find the best solution for your needs.

Our team will work with you to create a customized plan to address the underlying cause of your baldness and help you achieve the best possible results. We strive to provide the highest quality of care and ensure our patients receive the best possible outcome.

Contact us today to get the best treatment.

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