Balding Men |

Jason Momoa Hair No More

Jason Momoa

Shaving one’s head, wearing a specific item of clothing, or even marching for a cause might indeed serve as powerful symbolic gestures for a cause, but they are of the moment.

Robert Pattison Gets It Too…But You Shouldn’t

Just to make the point that net/news interest isn’t only on female celebrities do’s and cuts, there has been lots of trending speculation about Robert Pattison’s hair. Or more precisely, what his hat might be hiding. Yes, this falls well into the trivial to be sure, but when the Twilight star stepped out with his girlfriend FKA […]

Halloween Hair

We come to this time of year everyone (adult and kids alike) seem to enjoy a little loosening-up of their inhibitions. A quick run through popular costume sites like  or even a spin across YouTube, you’ll find this year’s tricks and treat-ers making-up and dressing like “Walking Dead” zombies, various characters from “Games of […]


Once again we get into a weird wacky area when in the world of wearing hair: color. For the most part you will find the men and women who use Guci Image services-and in this case we mean the services of ‘wearing hair’-use color as another in a long line of applications and techniques to […]

The Big Day With Kim, Kayne…and You?

Like everybody else who is anybody you are probably as much worrying over what you are going to wear to the wedding as trying to determine just what gift you are going to buy Kim and Kayne  It’s truly a daunting, enough to make you not want to even be on the guest list. Khloe […]

When Hair Gets Political: Mocking Kim Jong-un

Yes, sometimes hair can get political. In the case of mocking someone like Korean leader Kim Jong-un things can get slightly scary, as they did in London recently. It seems the long reach of our more ‘interesting’ political leaders can be far indeed…and not always so ready to simply ‘pat’ those who have a little […]

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