Hair Loss Treatment |

How Do Hair Loss Treatments Work?

People are extremely particular where their hair is concerned. You may have heard that Queen Victoria drank silver birch wine made from sap because she believed it would cure her baldness. After all, who do not love their tresses. Hair is one of the most valuable assets that we have. However, due to a number […]

How To Keep Your Hair Healthy?

Who does not wish to have long lustrous hair? However, it takes a lot to get the long desirable tresses which can give you a celebrity look. Many people tend to ignore hair care which leaves them with dull, lifeless hair. It is realized when we start losing our valuable asset quickly. It is important […]

Hair Loss Guide : Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Everyone loses hair. Losing about 50-100 hairs every day is the normal cycle of hair growth. However, if you see bald patches or thinning, you may be experiencing hair loss. Hair loss can be devastating. It can affect an individual both physically and psychologically. People often ostracize themselves due to hair loss. While aging and […]

Causes of Hair Loss in Men

So what actually refers to hair loss in men? Well, it is normal if you lose around fifty to hundred hair in one day. However, some people lose excessive hair quite often. There are a number of reasons that causes hair loss in men. Exposure to different chemicals and chemotherapy, medication and radiation, as well […]

Latest Hair Loss Treatment for Women

When we just realize we have hair loss, we suddenly become obsessive. What we once could style, color or curl, just got lost. There is no need to be dramatic. The major causes of hair loss are crash dieting, reactions to medications are temporary. Try to address the root cause and your hair will grow back. The most […]

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