What Products Are The Right Products?
Every day new hair products are introduced to the public. Whether they suddenly pop-up via a celebrity endorsement or come to us from some Instagram post from backstage at a fashion show, from hair gel, to hair spray, to curling irons to the myriad of color options, you are being inundated everyday with more and […]
The Ever Growing Population Wearing Hair
There is an infamous hair restoring studio that refers to themselves as a ‘club’ (decidedly for male hair wear more than for women). Though Guci Image is far and away nothing like that business model, we do have something in common. We view the many men and women who come to us for their balding […]
A Regularly Scheduled Service
When it comes to servicing your CTR unit, coming in yet again for more White Diamond Ultra Sonic Hair Repair, wanting to even slightly alter your extensions, or coming by for some more Low Laser Light Scalp Treatments a sooner more then later approach is what Guci Image recommends. A Regularly Scheduled Service is very important […]
‘Wearing Hair’ Takes A Hands-on Approach
Taking to the modern conveniences we are afforded we experience both the good and the bad. Sure social media may very well keep you well connected with friends and family, but it could be argued we simply don’t get out as much now because of it. Texting has replaced phone calls outright, but are we […]
Beyoncé and her Braids
Not that Beyoncé (or at least her close relatives) haven’t been in the news enough lately. But it seems Miss Bey got some more attention this week…because of braids she was sporting. During a night out with hubby Jay Z the singer was photographed and subsequently the subject of many a blog because of the […]
The Normal Progression Of Aging…For A Man Wearing Hair
Heed well your Guci Image technician/stylists’ opinion for wearing hair. They look at you from a professional vantage point and will be able to honesty advise when the time is right to add a sprig of grey to your CTR unit or thin the top out a bit. Men, as well as women, must be […]