Thyroid Disorder And Hair Loss

Watching your hair slide down the shower drain or clumping up on your brush is a horrible feeling, especially for women! Our hair is connected to our identity, our youth, and our health. While it’s natural for some women to experience Hair Loss at certain times in their menstrual cycles or times of the year, Hair Los is also caused by specific health conditions including a thyroid imbalance.

Why does a Thyroid imbalance cause thinning hair?

Your hair normally grows in a healthy cyclical pattern with most of the hair follicles growing while only a small number are “resting.” With a thyroid imbalance, this cycle can be thrown off, resulting in more hair follicles “resting” than growing — and more hair falling out. Hair Loss is a very common symptom of a thyroid imbalance.

But thyroid imbalances often arise slowly and remain unnoticed by patients and their doctors in the early phases. Even with a lab test, your doctor may say everything is fine with your thyroid, even though you strongly suspect that something is wrong. This is because standard labs have a very wide range for what is “normal” in terms of thyroid test results.

So how do you know if your Hair Loss is connected to a thyroid disorder?

Take A 30 Sec.
Hair Loss Assessment

(results in 24 hrs.)

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Answer 10 Simple Question,
And Find The
Causes Of Your Hair Loss!

No one needs to deal with thinning hair any longer.
These questions are designed to help identify some of the more common triggers associated with Hair Loss. Providing us with this information is an important first-step in finding the right Hair Loss solution for you.

Get Your Hair Loss Assessment

Answer 10 Simple Questions And
Find The Causes Of Your Hair Loss!

No one needs to deal with thinning hair any longer.
These questions are designed to help identify some of the more common triggers associated with Hair Loss. Providing us with this information is an important first-step in finding the right Hair Loss solution for you.
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Answer 10 Simple Questions And
Find The Causes Of Your Hair Loss!

No one needs to deal with thinning hair any longer.
These questions are designed to help identify some of the more common triggers associated with Hair Loss. Providing us with this information is an important first-step in finding the right Hair Loss solution for you.
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5 Signs And Symptoms Your Hair Loss Is Connected To A Thyroid Disorder

1) Thinning eyebrows. Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) often causes general Hair Loss as well as thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows. We don’t know exactly why the eyebrow is targeted in thyroid disorders, but this is a good indicator that your thyroid hormones may be low.

2)  Hair that is brittle, dry, and breaks easily. Dry, brittle hair is also connected to low thyroid function. And research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism finds that thyroid hormones increase growth and color in the hair. Low thyroid hormone can lead to the early release of the hair shaft and root, as well as premature gray or white hair.

3) Feeling exhausted all the time, even after 8 hours of sleep. The thyroid is the master of our metabolism, so it affects the way we use and store energy. With low thyroid hormone, metabolism slows down. This can often lead to persistent fatigue as well as weight gain.

4) Puffiness in the face or extremities. Many people with hypothyroidism have an excess of a compound called mucin. Mucin is part of our connective tissue and is present in blood vessels and cells all over the body. It absorbs water and may cause excess water retention in an individual with an underactive thyroid imbalance.

5) Yellowing of the palms of your hands. Yellowing of the skin on your hands can happen with a thyroid imbalance due to a build-up of carotene in your blood. Hypothyroidism can slow the conversion of carotene to vitamin A.

If you think your hair loss might be connected to a Thyroid Imbalance, begin supporting your thyroid — and your hair — naturally. Guci Image, the world leader and innovator in women’s hair loss has been treating the aesthetic effects of medical-related hair loss for over a decade. Guci’s wide array of state-of-the-art hair loss technologies is why we are widely considered leaders in the field. For more information on Thyroid, related hair loss solutions call 201-734-0051 and schedule your complimentary consultation now..!

Van Beek, N, et al. 2008. Thyroid hormone directly alters human hair follicle functions: anagen prolongation and stimulation of both hair matrix keratinocyte proliferation and hair pigmentation. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 93(11): 4381. URL:

Guci Image specializes in treatments for Thyroid related hair loss.

The Right Treatment For You

Whether you are you are looking for something Non-surgical or Surgical, we offer a hair restoration solution that fits you.

Hair Regrowth

Hair Regrowth

Our regrowth solutions are non-surgical options that have shown to regrow hair when used as directed.

Hair Replacement

Hair Replacement

Virtual Skin is the world's most advanced non-growing life-like hair replacement system available today.

Hair Extensions

Hair Extensions

We offer "Cold-Fusion" Extensions & have relied upon "Great lengths" and our own brand of Remy Hair "Allure"

Laser Light Technology

Laser Light Technology

Laser Light Therapy is an FDA cleared Non-Surgical treatment that sparks the hair back into the regrowth phase.

Hair Regrowth

Hair Regrowth

Our regrowth solutions are non-surgical options that have shown to regrow hair when used as directed.

Hair Replacement

Hair Replacement

Virtual Skin is the world's most advanced non-growing life-like hair replacement system available today.

Hair Extensions

Hair Extensions

We offer "Cold-Fusion" Extensions & have relied upon "Great lengths" and our own brand of Remy Hair "Allure"

Laser Light Technology

Laser Light Technology

Laser Light Therapy is an FDA cleared Non-Surgical treatment that sparks the hair back into the regrowth phase.

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